Indicators Trend Forecast
Technical Analysis
Risk Value ₹35
Risk % 6.09%
Volatility ₹32.28
Last 50 Day High ₹678.95
Last 50 Day Min ₹296.65
Predicted Resistance ₹678.89
Predicted Floor ₹540.77
News Sentiment
How 8 small-cap shares generated several crores in 4 years Neutral
Hot shares for next week: Tata Power, Hardwyn India, Sejal Glass, Nelco equities in focus Positive
Over 500% return in just 5 months; do you own any of these little-known shares Positive
8 years of Modi government: These BSE shares rallied rise to 33,000% since May 2014 Neutral
Regulatory Information

Regulation: First: Reg. 17 : Deals with the overall board composition and its functions for corporate governance. Second: Regulation 23(9) : Companies must disclose related party transactions on a half-yearly basis. Third: Regulation 38: Companies must ensure minimum public shareholding to maintain compliance with stock exchange rules.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

No SOPs data available for this stock.

No Event data available for this stock.

Please check back later for updated information.