Indicators Trend Forecast
Technical Analysis
Risk Value ₹147
Risk % 11.39%
Volatility ₹59.64
Last 50 Day High ₹1901.95
Last 50 Day Min ₹1291.95
Predicted Resistance ₹1354.19
Predicted Floor ₹1144.70
News Sentiment
RR Kabel, CEAT & VA Tech among equities that saw brokerage initiations with rise to 45% upside Neutral
4 shares to buy for 20-28% potential performance in 12 months Neutral
Block deals today: IRB Infrastructure, RR Kabel and KFin Technologies; equities react Neutral
RR Kabel: TPG Asia to sell entire 5% stake worth Rs 1,000 cr via block deals Positive
Regulatory Information

Regulation: First: : Second: Regulation 23(9): Companies must disclose related party transactions on a half-yearly basis. Third: :

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

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