Indicators Trend Forecast
Technical Analysis
Risk Value ₹-3
Risk % -2.29%
Volatility ₹22.54
Last 50 Day High ₹131.36
Last 50 Day Min ₹34.80
Predicted Resistance ₹206.88
Predicted Floor ₹134.06
News Sentiment
BGR Energy Systems equities stuck in upper circuit today, here's why Neutral
BGR Energy security in news currently on board's nod to rights issues of equities Neutral
Why are equities of BGR Energy, Bandhan Bank, Godrej Agrovet, 3i Infotech & GR Infraprojects rising today? Neutral
BGR Energy Systems stake hits 20% upper circuit on winning new orders Positive
BGR Energy Systems average income jumps over 5-folds to Rs 6.19 crore Negative
Regulatory Information

Regulation: First: Reg. 17 : Deals with the overall board composition and its functions for corporate governance. Second: : Third: :

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

No SOPs data available for this stock.

No Event data available for this stock.

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