Indicators Trend Forecast
Technical Analysis
Risk Value ₹1617
Risk % 29.79%
Volatility ₹287.35
Last 50 Day High ₹8231.45
Last 50 Day Min ₹3517.65
Predicted Resistance ₹5335.61
Predicted Floor ₹3811.91
News Sentiment
Kalyani allocation firm Ltd Negative
Kalyani Investment, other Kalyani group equities jump rise to 20% today. Here's why Negative
This Kalyani Group business owns Rs 7,150 crore worth 3 Kalyani stocks; its m-cap stands at 90% discount! Positive
Regulatory Information

Regulation: First: Reg. 33 : Formation and roles of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee for appointing directors and setting pay. Second: Regulation 23(9) : Companies must disclose related party transactions on a half-yearly basis. Third: :

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

No SOPs data available for this stock.

No Event data available for this stock.

Please check back later for updated information.