Indicators Trend Forecast
Technical Analysis
Risk Value ₹153
Risk % 8.67%
Volatility ₹52.96
Last 50 Day High ₹2359.90
Last 50 Day Min ₹1065.50
Predicted Resistance ₹1820.34
Predicted Floor ₹1611.97
News Sentiment
shares suggested by stake exchange analysts on June 8, 2023: TeamLease, Dalmia Bharat, IFB Industries, Strides Pharma Neutral
IFB Industries equities reclaim Rs 850 level, rise 22% from 52-week low; time to book profit? Neutral
IFB Industries Q2 Results: average income fall 21% to Rs 25 cr Negative
Regulatory Information

Regulation: First: Reg. 17 : Deals with the overall board composition and its functions for corporate governance. Second: : Third: :

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

No SOPs data available for this stock.

No Event data available for this stock.

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