Indicators Trend Forecast
Technical Analysis
Risk Value ₹32
Risk % 3.89%
Volatility ₹16.00
Last 50 Day High ₹1073.75
Last 50 Day Min ₹459.75
Predicted Resistance ₹885.66
Predicted Floor ₹790.70
News Sentiment
Avalon Technologies equities rise 20% today; security exchanges seek clarification Neutral
Avalon Technologies equities rose 20% today, here's why Positive
SBI, Tata Coffee, Avalon Technologies, Pidilite among shares to watch out for currently Neutral
Avalon Technologies IPO: Should you buy, sell or hold the security after tepid debut Neutral
Avalon Technologies muted D-St debut, equities list at Rs 431; what should investors do? Neutral
Avalon Technologies IPO subscribed 2.21 times on last day of bidding: Check grey exchange premium & other details Negative
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